(616) 949-3300 naturalhealthgr@gmail.com

A review of over 6 million medical records found exposure to antibiotics my increase your risk of developing Chohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, two main types of inflammatory bowel disease.

Just one course of these can negatively affect your gut microbiome for up to 12 months and can increase your risk of heart attack, stroke and colorectal cancer. Unnecessary use of antibiotics increases the risk of antimicrobial resistance which is rising and experts estimate it will kill 10 million each year by 2050. (1)


Some of the products that we test our patients on to increase their own immunity are from a company named “Standard Process”. The formulation of each of their products starts from a pure organic soil and seed and the harvested ingredients are processed at low heat temps to preserve the whole viability of each ingredient…the inherent enzymes and co-factors that are in nature are thus preserved and are available for utilization by the patient when he or she takes the supplement that they test for. Here is a sample of some of the products that we test on our patients:

Cataplex A-C: This is a combination of Cataplex A and Cataplex C. Vitamin C helps prevent colds and congestion etc., and Vitamin A keeps the mucous membranes healthy. The founder of Standard Process, Dr. Royal Lee, felt many infections took hold when the cells were low in vitamins A and C. The whole food complex includes the above vitamins and also Echinecea. This is an excellent product to build up winter time immunity.

Congaplex: This is the primary product for colds, flu, congestion, and any systemic infection. Congaplex contains the cytosol

(internal cellular) extracts that contribute to the healthy response of the immune system.

Immuplex: This product combines vitamins, A, C & E with vitamin B12, folic acid, zinc, copper, chromium, iron, selenium, thymus, liver, and spleen glandulars. By combining organic forms of these nutrients for whole food sources, Immuplex impacts the entire immune alliance which is composed of the thymus gland, spleen, long bones (marrow), stomach (which contains HCL to destroy ingested parasites), intestinal flora, and the liver for detoxification.

(1) BMJ Gut, 2023,doi: 10.1136/gutjnnl-2022-327845